16 research outputs found

    Mental contamination in obsessive–compulsive disorder

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    It was recently proposed that feelings of contamination can arise in the absence of physical contact with a contaminant. Currently, there are limited data regarding this construct of ‘mental contamination’ although it is hypothesised to be relevant to obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD) where compulsive washing in response to contamination fear is a common presentation (Rachman,2006). This research examined the presence of mental contamination in OCD. Participants (N=177) with obsessive compulsive symptoms completed questionnaires to assess mental contamination, OCD symptoms and thought-action fusion (TAF). Findings indicated that 46% of participants experienced mental contamination, and severity was associated with severity of OCD symptoms and TAF. Mental contamination in the absence of contact contamination was reported by 10.2% of participants. Similar findings were reported in a sub-sample of participants who had received a formal diagnosis of OCD (N=54). These findings suggest that mental contamination is a distinct construct that overlaps with, but is separate from, contact contamination, and provide preliminary empirical support for the construct

    Abnormal and Normal Mental Contamination

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    Mental contamination is defined and the main features of the phenomenon are set out. In addition to the familiar form of abnormal mental contamination, as evident in psychological disorders, notably Obsessive-compulsive Disorder, the phenomenon of non-clinical mental contamination is common. The clinical form is distressing, uncontrollable, constant and dysfunctional. The normal phenomenon can be disturbing but it is usually dormant, evoked intermittently, transient, tolerable, manageable, not dysfunctional and psychologically fascinating. The cognitive theory of mental contamination encompasses the causes of mental contamination, its persistence, and individual vulnerability. The field would benefit greatly from additional work, such as that reported elsewhere in this Special Issue, to incorporate the unusual manifestations of visual contamination, morphing and self-contamination, and to account for the experience of mental contamination in nonclinical and other clinical manifestations

    Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of a mental health drop-in centre for the siblings of young people attending a paediatric hospital

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    Siblings of children with long-term conditions (LTCs) can have significantly elevated mental health needs, but these are often overlooked. A pragmatic single-arm feasibility pilot assessed feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of a drop-in centre in a paediatric hospital addressing mental health needs of patients with LTCs, their carers and siblings. The drop-in centre accepted self-referral and supplemented existing provision offering a suite of interventions, including signposting, diagnostic assessments and/or guided self-help. This paper reports on feasibility, acceptability and preliminary outcomes of this centre for siblings. Eighteen siblings aged 2-17 used the centre. Sixteen of their parents completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires at baseline and 6 months post-baseline, and ten completed parent-reported PedsQL across two time points. Preliminary effectiveness results demonstrated a decrease in mental health symptoms with large effect size (score reduction of 3.44, 95% CI [1.25, 5.63], d = 0.84) and small effect on quality of life, with scores increasing from a median of 69.91, 95% CI [53.57, 91.67], to a median of 80.44, 95% CI [67.39, 89.13], r = 0.11 for these siblings. 88% of parents were satisfied with this provision for their sibling child. This study highlights the feasibility and value of assessing siblings for emotional and behavioural difficulties and providing them with an accessible, effective and acceptable intervention

    The nature and assessment of mental contamination: A psychometric analysis

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    There has been a recent expansion of interest in the concept of mental contamination. Despite a growing number of experiments and interview-based studies of mental contamination, there is a need for questionnaire-based assessment measures, and for a further understanding of the degree to which mental contamination is related to other aspects of OCD symptomatology and/or to established cognitive constructs relevant to OCD. We assessed the psychometric properties of three new measures of mental contamination (the Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory – Mental Contamination Scale, the Contamination Sensitivity Scale, and the Contamination Thought-Action Fusion Scale) in participants diagnosed with OCD (n = 57), participants diagnosed with an anxiety disorder other than OCD (n = 24) and in undergraduate student controls (n = 410). For some of these analyses, our OCD sample was subdivided into those with contamination-related symptoms and concerns (n = 30) and those whose OCD excluded concerns related to contamination fear (n = 27). Results showed that the three new scales had excellent psychometric properties, including internal consistency, convergent and divergent validity, and discriminant validity. Further, the new measures accounted for significant unique variance in OCD symptoms over and above that accounted for by depression, anxiety, traditional contact-based contamination, and OCD beliefs. Results are discussed in terms of the clinical utility of the scales, and of the nature of contamination fears in OCD

    Feasibility of low-intensity psychological interventions for emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and young people with genetic conditions: a case series

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    Background: Children with genetic conditions may experience significant mental health difficulties such as anxiety and challenging behaviour. However, understanding of the feasibility and effectiveness of psychological interventions for emotional and behavioural problems in the context of genetic conditions is limited. Low-intensity psychological interventions have demonstrated promise in paediatric populations and may be able to address their mental health difficulties. / Method: A case series design was used to assess the feasibility of low-intensity interventions for emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and young people with genetic conditions recruited from a mental health drop-in centre at a tertiary hospital. Participants received seven weekly sessions with a trained practitioner. The intervention was based on existing modular treatments and evidence-based self-help materials. Feasibility and treatment satisfaction were assessed, as well as measures of symptoms of anxiety and challenging behaviour, treatment goals, and quality of life, at baseline, during treatment, and six-month follow-up. / Results: Five participants received treatment for challenging behaviour, one for anxiety, and one for obsessive compulsive disorder. All participants completed treatment. Clinically significant change in the SDQ Total score was found in three participants. All participants demonstrated progress in goals and symptoms of emotional and behavioural difficulties over the course of treatment. / Conclusions: Low-intensity psychological interventions for emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and young people with genetic conditions is feasible, acceptable, and potentially beneficial. Further research is warranted to examine the effectiveness of the intervention and its use in clinical paediatric settings

    Evaluation of a mental health drop-in centre offering brief transdiagnostic psychological assessment and treatment for children and adolescents with long-term physical conditions and their families: a single-arm, open, non-randomised trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Children and young people with long-term physical conditions have significantly elevated mental health needs. Transdiagnostic, brief psychological interventions have the potential to increase access to evidence-based psychological treatments for patients who attend health services primarily for physical health needs. OBJECTIVE: A non-randomised study was conducted to assess the impact of brief, transdiagnostic psychological interventions in children and young people presenting at a drop-in mental health centre in the reception area of a paediatric hospital. METHODS: 186 participants attending a transdiagnostic mental health drop-in centre were allocated to assessment and psychological intervention based on a clinical decision-making algorithm. Interventions included signposting, guided self-help based on a modular psychological treatment and referral to the hospital's paediatric psychology service. The primary transdiagnostic mental health outcome measure was the parent-reported Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), which was given at baseline and 6 months post-baseline. FINDINGS: There was a significant positive impact of attending the drop-in mental health centre on the SDQ (Cohen's d=0.22) and on the secondary outcome measure of Paediatric Quality of life (Cohen's d=0.55). CONCLUSIONS: A mental health drop-in centre offering brief, transdiagnostic assessment and treatment may reduce emotional and behavioural symptoms and improve quality of life in children and young people with mental health needs in the context of long-term physical conditions. A randomised controlled trial to investigate the specificity of any effects is warranted. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Drop-in centres for mental health needs may increase access and have beneficial effects for children and young people with physical conditions